How Do I Data Log?

How Do I Data Log?

  1. Begin by starting your truck and allowing it to reach operating temperature.
  2. Plug the Autocal into the OBDII port of your vehicle.
  3. Access the Scan Tool menu on the Autocal, then select Data Logging and proceed to Record Data.
  4. Follow the specific data logging instructions provided by our technician.
  5. Once data logging is complete, safely remove the Autocal from the OBDII port.
  6. Connect the Autocal to a WINDOWS computer using the provided USB cable.
  7. Download and install the EFI Live file explorer if you haven't already done so (download link:
  8. Open the EFI Live file explorer and navigate to the Scan folder.
  9. Drag and drop the recorded data logs from the Autocal to your desktop.
  10. Reply directly to the technician's email with the data logs attached, ensuring continuity in the email thread.
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